Our Work



Santa Clara County’s rich natural heritage paired with a vibrant economy make it the fastest growing county in the Bay Area. However, a growing population and steady development pressures, along with a changing climate, pose new threats to the health and sustainability of the region. These challenges require the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority to be resourceful, innovative, and effective in the protection of open space. 

Clean air and water
We protect and restore precious water resources to benefit local communities and the environment, prioritizing conservation projects that link protection of water resources to flood control, water quality, groundwater recharge, and climate resilience.
Wildlife habitat
We protect and manage an interconnected system of wildlands and natural areas to support native habitats and species and to ensure their long-term viability in response to a changing environment.
We work to protect and manage a network of open space lands that offer nature-based recreation and education for all residents. Open space preserves are free to visit, open year-round, and provide great opportunities for everyone to enjoy the outdoors.
Public Health
We support healthy communities where people and nature can coexist and thrive. Natural lands and other open spaces help give us clean air, drinkable water, and fresh produce that keep our communities healthy and enhance the wellbeing of residents in Santa Clara Valley.
Climate resilience
By protecting large, interconnected landscapes, focusing on water resources, and planning for extremes, we can help build resilience to help natural and human communities adapt to changing climate.
We conserve farms, ranches, and other working landscapes to sustain the economic and environmental viability of local agriculture. In collaboration with farmers and ranchers, agricultural organizations, natural resource agencies, and local, regional, and state initiatives, we identify ways to best support and preserve the County’s agriculture.

our impact

The Authority has efficiently and effectively invested in high-priority, high-impact projects to improve our quality of life.

our approach

The Open Space Authority is guided by the Santa Clara Valley Greenprint, a 30-year roadmap that identifies goals, priorities, and strategies for land conservation – and highlights opportunities for partnerships and funding to support these efforts.

current projects


We take pride in working collaboratively with willing landowners to permanently protect open spaces. The Open Space Authority can purchase a property outright, accept donations of land, or place a conservation easement on a property, which allows the landowner to retain ownership and enjoyment of the land while limiting development on it forever.

Land Stewardship

The Open Space Authority works diligently to take care of your beautiful open space lands. By utilizing adaptive management strategies, we keep the preserves in pristine condition for the enjoyment of visitors, while allowing for our conservation approach to be adjusted based on current and anticipated future conditions.