Group of people seated under outdoor shade structure

Beginning Farmer Learning Hub


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority contributed funds to the Regents of the University of California UCCE Santa Clara County's Development of a Small and Urban Beginning Farmer Learning Hub at Martial Cottle County Park. This project provides hands-on training opportunities that help beginning farmers and ranchers achieve and sustain their economic goals in the Santa Clara County. This project will create a demonstration and education hub for small, limited-resource beginning farmers and ranchers of diverse backgrounds. Training is provided through workshops and field days and facilitates farmer-to-farmer networking.
Award Date:
November 10, 2016
Urban Grant Program
5283 Snell Ave, San Jose, CA 95136

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Other Success

Group of birders looking through binoculars

Oak Savanna Citizen Science Project

Oak Savanna Citizen Science Project

The Oak Savanna Citizen Science Project is an education program being developed by the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society (SCVAS) to promote citizen science, environmental awareness and an appreciation for the land and wildlife at the Laguna Seca portion of the North Coyote Valley Conservation Area. The Authority will help fund field trips offered by the SCVAS to Laguna Seca along with a classroom segment to area high schools. Regular bird surveys and BioBlitzes at Laguna Seca will be open to the public.

Three students crouching on group digging a small hole

Outdoor Environmental Education for Title One Students

Outdoor Environmental Education for Title One Students

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Children smiling together in garden

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Championing Environmental Literacy in Campbell Elementary Schools

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